The extensive experience of our team of professionals in the proper preparation of all documents guarantees you the security and confidence to receive the required Permits and Certificates. If you have any problems, questions, or need a consultation, contact us so we can make together the best solution for you.
Удостоверение А1 Нашият дългогодишен опит ще Ви помогне в получаване на удостоверение А1. Не се колебайте да се свържете с нас .
А1 Certificate Our long-term experience will help you obtain your A1 Certificate. Do not hesitate to contact us at e-mail address
The assistance we provide in ensuring a job in Bulgaria leaves satisfied customers from all over the world. Many companies prefer us because of the opportunity to provide them with specialists in areas where the Bulgarian worker is not competent enough. The satisfaction of both parties makes us proud of the work and assistance we have done in order to achieve maximum results in the employment of Bulgarian enterprises. Our customers, to whom we have assisted in sending their workers in EU countries, are pleased as well. Thanks to our activity, the efficiency of the companies and their employees is increasing many times.